Should be studying but instead Im blogging!

I'm just starting to love Sundays! I don't know how productive I am but after all it is a day of rest. I've been recently going to church at memorial road with my brother in Edmond and have absolutely loved it! It's such an uplifting place to be. I had to get up at seven to get there on time but it was completely worth it!!! Today some tough news hit me that affects someone very close to me. I've been in constant prayer and I know God has a plan and purpose for all of this. It's been a rough road these past couple of weeks with everything going on in my life but yet at the same time I have to say it is a blessing because I am seeking God like I never have before. God is showing and putting friends in my life to help suppport me and let me grow spiritually for myself and with them as well. Its very cool to watch and see how God is working in my life. Don't get me wrong I still have alot of work to do and struggle terribly every single day but I know he is there to protect me, guide me, and confort me! I've got a kinda crazy week with 3 tests-and yes I should be studying right now but after 7pm Im pretty much worthless. I do better if I head to bed then get up early and study up till my test. I'm going to try to do very beneficial things for myself this week. Be in constant prayer, read my Bible several times a day, do good works for the benefit of others, look at the positive in everything, eat healthy, work-out, study hard so I can get out of school soon, and being with the people I love the most! God Bless-