And the Winner is.......

Ciara and I just now got done watching the Oscars, yes I know its now Tuesday but we've both been busy! It was alright-half the time I've never heard of the movie or be quite honest I'm not that familiar with all the actors/actresses these days. Lately I've been in the mood to watch those classic movies. I was excited to finally finish watching Gone With the Wind. Its a three hour movie that took me three weeks to finish! haha-Jess and I went last night to see Atonement here in Stillwater. I didn't think it was that great,kinda dark but aparently it was a good one cause it won alot of awards, but what do I know! I think my next movie choice will be Casablanca or Singing in the Rain. Im excited about tomorrow to get to go to Edmond to finish up hearing these wonderful speakers at Memorial Road and to see many familiar faces! I've started looking and searching for my internship that I get to do before I graduate so Im fixing to apply for the Navy internship which is in Hawaii, Guam, Japan, or Cuba. I really would love to go to Hawaii or Japan. You spend roughly three months there doing whatever it is they want you to do. They pay you 200 dollars a week to live off of and pay for you to live. They also pay for your plane ticket there and back. I really hope I can get it. It would be an amazing adventure to go on!!!! Well thank goodness its Wednesday. The week is almost over and then its another great weekend-cannot wait.I've got some great friends coming from Texas and hopefully Florida to see me and visit the great state of Oklahoma. If any of you have any great ideas of restaurants or places that represent Oklahoma well let me know. I want to give them a little taste of this state.
Life is great and I am completely blessed and thankful for everything God has and is doing in my life. Happy Hump Day!