Another year older!

Today I turned 23! Its quite insignificant but still quite fun. Today I got to sleep in, watch a movie in bed, went to eat some yummy noodles with J, then went to the pet store to play with all the baby puppies. Now I'm just waiting for my parents to come pick us up and take us to a mystery place to eat dinner and then off for some Haynie family bowling! I can't wait!!! Yesterday was Jonathan's birthday too. How cool is that? Stay warm everyone!!


Melinda said...

Happy birthday to you...and Jonathan!

Melody said...

Happy bday Brookee! Sounds like you had a great day! Hope to see you guys soon!

Hi, I'm Ginny said...

Happy happy birthday to you...a day late, although I did facebook you yesterday. :) Today is my half birthday! We are kind of birthday buddies in a way. YAY! Miss you.